Respond with at least 150 words each questionDUE 12/3/2013How do you normally lo

    Respond with at least 150 words each questionDUE 12/3/2013How do you normally locate news? What types of sources do you use? Be as specific as possible in your response.DUE 12/5/2013When you want to research a topic how do you normally begin? How can you expand your research?Respond with at least 150 words each questionDUE 12/3/2013Consider a time you attended a lecture such as in a classroom or work presentation. How would you apply the information-processing model to explain why some parts of the lecture made it into your short-term memory and other parts into your long-term memory? How can knowing this process enhance your learning potential in future situations?DUE 12/5/2013Karas daughter just turned 2 years old and has been having some behavior problems. Kara has been working on encouraging the good behaviors she wants to see occur more frequently. What are some ways Kara can work at modifying her daughters behavior?

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