Advance your knowledge about VERBAL, NONVERBAL & COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION (CMC) by finding a research article.

    Through your school library’s online research database, use search term phrases to help you find an article. Insert your topic in the search bar (for example: verbal, nonverbal, mediated, or CMC), and then search each combination as Subject terms (SU):
    ____ AND interpersonal AND relationships
    ____ AND relationships
    ____ AND interpersonal

    Make sure the article you find is from a journal approved by the instructor (if you are not sure see the picture that I uploaded). Make sure your article is full text, not just an abstract.

    Read the article, focusing on the Introduction and Discussion sections. Type your answers to the following questions to demonstrate your understanding of the research findings.

    1) What is the relationship you chose and what is the communication problem/issue, from your perspective?

    2) Provide abstract, permalink and reference in APA style
    a. Copy and paste the abstract of the article you found on this topic (the abstract is a summary paragraph found at the very start of the article. DO NOT use the summary found on the database),
    b. Include the permalink of the article.
    c. List your article reference in APA style (following the APA Guidelines outlined in your textbook).

    3) Describe the results of the research study in your OWN words (the results are located in the Discussion section toward the end of the article).

    4) Explain how your interpersonal communication is better informed by learning about this piece of research. How does it apply directly to your relationship problem or issue? What other relationships in your life could benefit from this information?


    10 points: Overall grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

    Individual Items:
    9-10 points = “A” effort: Completely addressed question, gave exceptional thought to answer, and communicated in an articulate manner.
    8 points = “B” effort: Completely addressed question, gave good thought to answer, and communicated in an articulate manner.
    7 points = “C” effort: Completely answered question, gave average thought to answer. Expression could have been more articulate.
    6 points- “D” effort: Did not completely answer the question, gave little thought to answer, and expression lacked clarity.
    5 or fewer points = “F” effort: Did not completely answer question, appeared to give it little or no thought, and/or information was unsuitable/inappropriate for college assignment.






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