Research two companies and identify business strategies

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    You are to research two (2) companies via the Internet with enough information online that you can identify their business strategies. (This might make you research more than two, if you can’t identify their strategies readily.)
    • Compare/match those strategies with the Corporate-Level, Business-Level, and Functional-Level strategies of chapter 4 in your textbook. Do the companies you researched use them? Do they have a competitive strategy that gives them an edge over their competition or do you feel that they are resting on their laurels and need to adjust their strategy?
    • Make sure to provide the ENTIRE URLs/LINKs where you found the information.
    Write a two page paper about your findings. (For example, your determination of which strategies each company utilizes and explanation for how you arrived at your conclusions.)
    As with all written work, APA style guidelines should be applied to your research but you may submit your work single spaced if you feel you need additional room to address the questions outlined above adequately

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