Research the lives of the Crafts in the wake of their autobiography: how does the subsequent story of their lives relate to the story they tell us in Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom Custom Essay

    Is a research paper which, in addition to the primary source(Running a Thousand Miles for Freedomk, William and Ellen Craft)you must use at least three reputable secondary sources. Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias are NOT research sources! These can be useful to consult, but they are not sources with which to back up critical analysis. The same applies even more to student essays (or study guides) posted on various paper mills. Note that any quotations used as a lead-in or ‘hook’ are not considered secondary sources (these are tertiary sources as they do not contribute directly to the critical argument being made). Essay #5 must be stapled and contain a title; a lead-in within the introduction in which you mention the full name of the author and the full title of the primary source, as well as a clear, precise thesis statement; and a conclusion which points beyond the comparatively narrow confines of your critical argument. -no contractions, no colloquialisms, no abbreviations, no slang (except, of course, in direct quotations). Usage of the noun “thing” is absolutely forbidden as will as the word "the reader." -The professor wants great thesis statement and good transitions in between paragraphs. Above all a great lead-in sentence(can be the title of a song, a famous quote, or a line from a poem. He also wants a good conclusion. -must contain a title. This must contain critical thinking and not a summary of the book.

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