Research report

    Paper 1 Prompt English 101, Fall 2016
    Write a 5-page research paper that places the Syrian refugee crisis in a historical context and examines American and European responses to the mass movement of the Syrian people.
    -Locate information on the history of Syria, the civil war, and the mass migration of the Syrian people.
    -Place the refugee crisis and Western responses to it in a historical context.
    -Analyze Western perspectives on refugee acceptance.
    -Give your opinion on the situation and the United States’ response.
    -Your research must consist of both straight news/factual articles and opinion articles.
    -A minimum of 4 sources are required. (“Fractured Lands” can be used as a source, but the articles in the Immigration Packet are off-limits. There is tons of stuff on the Internet on this topic and I want you to find it.)
    Elements of Composition (I’ll be looking for these in your paper)
    -The intro paragraph briefly introduces the specific topic of your paper. Avoid overly general/broad introductions.
    -Your thesis statement should appear in your first paragraph. The thesis statement gives your opinion/interpretation. It also provides a road map for your paper, telling the reader what to expect.
    -Topic sentences tell the reader what to expect from each paragraph.
    -Quote sandwiches provide context and analysis.
    -A conclusion paragraph should re-examine your thesis in light of the evidence you’ve presented, rather than simply re-stating your thesis. The conclusion should also look at the “big picture” and say “why it matters.”
    -5 pages
    -Typed, printed
    -Times New Roman 12-pt. font, double spaced -MLA header and page #s
    -MLA-style Works Cited page and in-text citations
    Thursday, 10/20 at 2:20.




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