research proposal about development and implementation of public policy with reference to current political system

    research proposal about development and implementation of public policy with reference to current political system
    Order Description
    would like to write a proposal of 3000 words for post doctorate degree in political science collage, it is acceptable to have public management inputs to the research, so I need mixed understanding about both subject
    My idea is to establish policy lab centre to one of Scandinavian country, I think this centre should set in centre of government (cabinet) or parliament and responsible to develop all different kind of policies for the country with reference to the political system available in country. This ensure understanding the interdependence between diffident policies, build clear governance system, ensure consistent development of policies across government organization (having standard public policy framework). Also centre aim to generate lesson learn and knowledge hup that is useful to share with all government authorities especially on implementation time. By this centre we can build big data base for policy expertise that we can deploy them whenever it is required. Also centre will help to produce one IT database that should be applicable for use to all government authority. This transformation are very important for being innovative, shared knowledge government
    What I write above is the final aim of research and to that I need to study available public policy systems along with political system to understand how we can establish this centre. How from individual and group learning generate all required knowledge of lesson learnt and guidance. This research should be management evidence base for the centre
    Please see attached pictures of my previous proposal I would like to have similar structure but content should be changed otherwise we will fall in plaragism, you can use the similar foloow and understanding but not content
    Research methodology,
    I propose qualitative interpretative methodology, and methods to be participant observation, reflective memos and documentation analysis
    Research question
    how Scandinavian country ensure the effectiveness of developing and implementing policies?
    What is tools used for encouraging innovative in policy development and implementation?
    This research will be applied in many case study within government to study the development and implementation of policy, this to understand the different organization learning influence on the policy practices and process. Moreover, this will improve to establish unified process which work as guidance model or tool kit that any organisation would benefit from.

    Use the policy lab pages there is excellent information, key words and understanding for what I am aiming for
    however, all your reference should be academic and up to post doctorate level
    Add Political science influence by many factors such as governance, economic, impact etc…
    I will provide example of proposal that I aim to have same structure and understanding, the research time will be 4 years
    First draft of this proposal should be delivered day 29.03.2016
    Dba student

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