Research proposal about Covid-19 and mental health

    Subject: Associations Between Fear of COVID-19, Mental Health, and Preventive Behaviours Across Pregnant Women and Husbands
    Two subjects together: COVID-19, Mental Health

    Possible narrower topic/thesis: The Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Across Different Cohorts

    Research Proposal

    In your research proposal, you will let me know which text or film you plan to research and which option and critical lens you plan to employ. Please see below for the required format.

    Paragraph One: What author do you plan to research, which of their works specifically, and which framework/critical lens do you plan to employ.

    Paragraph Two: You should set forth an agenda here about which sources youve found and what you know about your project so far. What kind of sources have you found and what have you learned from them?

    Paragraph Three: What do you have left to learn? What further information do you still need to find and where can you find it?

    Cite at least 2-3 sources using MLA format on a Works Cited page at the end of your proposal.

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