Research Persuasive Paper

    You may choose one of the following topics. Or if you wish to devise your own topic please seek your instructors approval of it before you begin writing:
    Obamacare (ACA) should be repealed.
    Global climate change is a hoax.
    All public schools should adopt a school uniform policy.
    The war on terror has become a war against American freedoms.
    All eligible citizens should be required to vote or pay a fine.
    Censorship is never justified.
    High-stakes testing should be eliminated in public education.
    Drivers convicted of a first-time DUI should receive mandatory jail time.
    The death penalty should be repealed in all states.
    The rich in America should pay more taxes.
    Students are harmed by their dependence on personal digital technology (laptops smart phones etc.). Tobacco products should be made illegal.
    Americas chief executive officers (CEOs) are paid too much.
    Dieting ultimately makes you gain weight. The war on drugs has become a war on Americas minorities. English should be the official language of the United States.
    The legal age for drinking alcohol should be lowered to 18.
    The cost of higher education is too high.
    Creationism should be taught in public schools.
    Snack and soda vending machines should be removed from public schools.
    Supermarkets should charge for plastic bags. Child beauty pageants should be banned.
    Mandatory sentencing in nonviolent drug cases should be ended.
    Examine your paper and check the following areas to make informed decisions about what to change to improve your paper:
    This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria providedhere.
    Please submit your complete research essay in APA style. It should include the following:
    MUST BE900-1200 words

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