Research paradigms

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    This paper was previously submitted for completion.
    The paper failed all but one area and needs to be redone.
    However, it is outside the revision deadline therefore I must order another paper to address all the areas the evaluator indicated needed redone.
    The following will include both the original task followed immediately underneath with the instructors feedback as to why the task did not pass.
    I will also include the original paper purchased for guidance and to avoid duplication of information.
    Upon completion of this paper I will blend the information appropriately.
    Please use exact heading to indicate the information addressed, such as B1 etc. this will make blending the papers easier.
    Introduction: There are several paradigms of educational research.
    Each of these paradigms will help direct the research study, including how the subjects are selected, what the role of the researcher is, and how to collect and analyze different types of data.
    For this task you will be describing three different research scenarios—one each for a quantitative, qualitative, and action research paradigm appropriate for the professional setting.
    Professional setting provided in attached paper: Task 3 Research Paradigm
    Per evaluator: The previous work described the different research paradigms in a very academic manner and in general terms, thus not meeting the requirements for the paper to receive a passing grade.
    The intent of this task is to describe three specific research scenarios that demonstrate understanding of the components of research depending on the research design selected.
    The paper did not meet passing requirements.
    Most aspects of the task need revision with specific details as noted.
    Please note the instructors specific detail request following each task assignment.
    All these must be addressed in detail.
    Please refer to each area for information already addressed in the corresponding paper for consistency and to prevent conflicting or duplication of information.
    Task: 3:
    There are several paradigms of educational research.
    Each of these paradigms will direct the research study, including how subjects are selected, what the role as a researcher is, and how to collect and analyze different types of data.
    For this task you will be describing three different research scenarios—one each for a quantitative, qualitative, and action research paradigm—that are appropriate for the professional setting.
    See paper for description of professional setting.
    The instructor feedback: The work describes the different research paradigms in very academic and general terms.
    The intent of this task is to describe three specific research scenarios that demonstrate understanding of the components of research depending on the research design selected.
    Most aspects of the task need revision with specific details.
    A. Describe your professional setting. DONE- Refer to attached paper: Task 3
    B. Describe a research scenario appropriate for a QUANTITATIVE research paradigm
    (length 4 pages).
    Within that scenario, include the following elements as defined in tasks 1-7. Following each task I’ve included the instructors feedback for clarification.
    B. Scenario for Quantitative Research: It would be helpful to describe a specific setting where the research would be conducted. Please be specific.
    1. State an appropriate research question and/or hypothesis.
    B1. Research Question and/or Hypothesis: The discussion includes a significant amount of general information but lacks specifics.
    Is the research looking at the number of people reached? quality of care? cost effectiveness? Please include a concise research question and hypothesis.
    2. Define the role of the researcher.
    2. B2. Researcher’s Role: It is noted the researcher will ask questions. Please include the range of tasks a researcher needs to do when conducting quantitative research. Define the role of the researcher.
    3. Describe the target audience and the role of the participants.
    B3. Target Audience and Participants’ Role: A general description of CHW’s is included.
    Please be more specific for the purposes of this study.
    Include who will be involved and what their role will be as a research participant.
    4. Discuss possible variations of groupings in your quantitative research scenario.
    B4. Groupings: A general discussion on the types of quantitative research is included.
    Please be specific about how the different participants will be grouped to create a control group and an experimental group or some other variation appropriate for quantitative research.
    5. Discuss methods (such as survey, test, observation) and corresponding instruments (such as interviews or questionnaires, multiple-choice objective tests, and observation checklists) to be used for data collection.
    B5. Methods of Data Collection and Instruments Used: Generic types of quantitative data collection instruments are explained.
    Please be specific about the instruments that will be used for this research scenario.
    6. Describe the types of data to be collected that would influence your choice of data analysis.
    B6. Types of Data Collected: Please be specific about the data that will be generated from the specific instruments used in this study.
    7. Describe types of data analysis you would use.
    B7. Types of Data Analysis Used: General data analyses techniques are explained.
    Again, this discussion must be specific to the data collection instruments and types of data collected.
    C. Describe a research scenario appropriate for a qualitative research paradigm (suggested length 4 pages).
    Within that scenario, include the following elements:
    C. Scenario for Qualitative Research: It is assumed the research scenario is the same as in the quantitative research. Please explicitly state the scenario.
    1. State an appropriate research question.
    C1. Research Question: No clearly stated research question is located in the paper. Please be specific.
    2. Define the role of the researcher.
    C2. Researcher’s Role: It is noted the researcher’s role is to conduct interviews and observations.
    Please include the whole range of tasks the researcher must do to conduct qualitative research.
    Also, please be specific about any potential biases the researcher might have as the interviews and observations are conducted and what can be included in the research design to mitigate those biases.
    3. Describe the target audience and the role of the participants.
    C3. Target Audience and Participants’ Role: The target audience organizations are described and participants are mentioned as the CHW volunteers.
    Please be specific about the participants that will be used in this specific scenario.
    4. Discuss possible variations of groupings in your qualitative research scenario.
    C4. Groupings: Please describe how the participants will be selected for interviews and observations.
    5. Discuss approaches/methods (such as surveys, case studies, observation) and corresponding instruments (such as interviews or questionnaires, multiple- choice objective tests, and observation checklists) to be used for data collection.
    C5. Approaches/Methods of Data Collection and Instruments Used: Interviews, observation, and the documentary analysis are listed as data collection instruments.
    The interviews and observations are addressed in a generic way.
    Please be specific what types of questions will be asked and how those will be gathered.
    Also describe what will be observed and include how the observations will be collected and recorded.
    6. Describe three types of data you would collect to allow for triangulation of
    C6. Types of Data Collected: Please be specific about the types of data that will be generated from each instrument used in this study.
    7. Describe types of data analysis you would use.
    7. C7. Types of Data Analysis Used: Qualitative data analysis is stated as similar to quantitative analysis. This is not correct.
    Please describe how the data from the interviews and observations will be specifically analyzed. Describe types of data analysis you would use.
    8. Explain how qualitative research benefits your field.
    C8. Field Benefits of Qualitative Research:
    This discussion is not located in the previous paper. Please include this.
    D. Describe a research scenario appropriate for an action research paradigm (suggested length 4 pages). Within that scenario, include the following elements:
    D. Scenario for Action Research: It is assumed the research scenario is the same as in the quantitative research. Please explicitly state the scenario.
    1. State an appropriate research question and/or hypothesis.
    D1. Research Question and/or Hypothesis: A general discussion of action research is included but a specific research question must be identified.
    2. Define the role of the researcher.
    D2. Researcher’s Role: The researcher’s role should change according to the type of study conducted. Please be specific on the role of the researcher in action research.
    3. Describe the target audience and the role of the participants.
    D3. Target Audience and Participants’ Role: The target audience organizations are described and participants are mentioned as the CHW volunteers.
    Please be specific about the participants that will be used in this specific scenario.
    4. Discuss possible variations of groupings in your action research scenario.
    D4. Groupings: Please describe how participants will be selected for this specific action research.
    5. Discuss methods (such as survey, test, case study, observation) and corresponding instruments (such as interviews or questionnaires, multiple- choice objective tests, and observation checklists) to be used for data collection.
    D5. Methods of Data Collection and Instruments Used: Quantitative data collection instruments are identified and could be appropriate for action research, but they need to be specific and tied to the research question.
    6. Describe three types of data you would collect to allow for triangulation of
    D6. Types of Data Collected: Include the data generated from each of the data collection instruments. Be specific.
    7. Describe types of data analysis you would use.
    D7. Types of Data Analysis Used: Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis are included. Be specific which statistical tools will be used with which data.
    8. Explain how action research benefits your field.
    D8. Field Benefits of Action Research: This aspect is not located. Please include this.

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