Research Paper Us History 2

    Research Paper

    Need topic ideas to get you started? HIST1302 Essay ideas.docx 

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    NOTE: Before beginning this assignment, read through information contained in the Scholastic Dishonesty link in the course menu to the left.


    • The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper
      • 1500-2000 words in length = approx. 6 – 8 pages double spaced
      • 12-point font
    • The essay should support a thesis statement (making an argument) with information gained from research or investigation.

    What is a Thesis?

    Here's some help with writing a history research paper at the college level and writing a Thesis Statement: 

    It is important to choose a topic of interest to you.

    • Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered.
    • You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.)
    • Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it.

    You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:

    1. Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic
    2. Gathering information, summarizing sources
    3. Analyzing and evaluating sources
    4. Defining key terms
    5. Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources
    6. Testing a thesis, making an historical argument, using refutationan historical argument, using refutation
    7. Amassing support for a position
    8. Documenting sources

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