Research Paper on Japan:
 Each student is required to prepare an individual research paper Custom Essay

    Research Paper on Japan:
 Each student is required to prepare an individual research paper (3-5 pages, single spaced) on topics/issues related to Japan. The suggested Paper Topics will be discussed in the class. A recommended outline includes Introduction/topic explanation, Identification of problems/issues, Analysis/evaluation, Potential
    Strategies/solutions, Concluding Comments. The last page should show a bibliography of information sources. The more varied the sources, the better your chances of getting a good grade. This paper will be presented in class orally. Use of visual aids is strongly recommended to enhance the quality of your oral presentation. You will be asked to choose your presentation date during the class period on Mar. 12. If you are absent on that date, a presentation date will be assigned to you. Once you sign the sheet, consider it to be a contract. You are committed to perform at that time on that date and not any other. You are required to bring a written presentation outline on the day of your presentation.

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