Research Paper, Journalism, mass media and communication Documenting the Media Revolution

    Research Paper, Journalism, mass media and communication
    Documenting the Media Revolution
    Project description

    We are in a time when the mass media is redefining itself at a speed and depth unmatched in human history. Basic definitions of various long- established mass media are rapidly evolving to include digital formats that would have seemed the stuff of science fiction a few years ago. Furthermore, as mass media becomes more pervasive and powerful, its impact on individuals and the larger society is being studied by university researchers. Your paper will be written about one of the mass media topics listed below. Choose a topic that interests you and for which you can find a variety of high quality sources.
    1. Books, Version 2.0
    1.1 Discuss the history of ebooks.
    1.2. Describe the various devices, past and present, that ebooks are read on.
    1.3. Discuss how ebook, enewspaper, and emagazine reading may become more of an interactive or group activity.
    1.4. You predict along with the experts: In 10 years, how will we be reading books?

    2. The Long Tail and How it Will (or Won’t) Reshape Media:
    2.1. Describe Chris Anderson’s theory of “The Long Tail”.
    2.2. How might The Long Tail cause changes in mass media?
    2.3. How might The Long Tail cause changes in advertising?
    2.4. You predict along with the experts: What media opportunities could arise in a Long Tail world?

    3. Will the Internet Kill Television?
    3.1. What does scholarly research have to say about teenagers and the amount of television they watch? Will these trends broaden to include other demographic groups?
    3.2. Describe some of the notable efforts to bring television programming to the Internet?
    3.3. Describe some of the notable efforts to replace the 30-second television commercial with other forms of advertising on both traditional TV and Internet TV.
    3.4. You predict along with the experts: How will the TV viewing experience be different in 10 years? How will it be the same?

    This paper will be an analysis based upon your research. Research the four questions as they pertain to your research topic. Divide your paper into six segments:

    A. Introduction
    B. Answer to Question 1
    C. Answer to Question 2
    D. Answer to Question 3
    E. Answer to Question 4
    F. Conclusion


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