Research Paper Auteur Study on Alfred Hitchcock

    The number of reference doesn’t have to be 20, just as many as you need. Please include your thoughts in it as well. And for the 2 films, I suggests “Psycho” and “Vertigo” as we talked about it in class.

    Here is the description given for this paper:
    “Extensive research will be required to write this substantial paper and that research must be demonstrated and documented through the use of cited sources. Please include a Works Cited Page at the end of your paper. The combination of external sources and critical thinking on your part should combine to provide a structured, compelling, and insightful account of the writer/director’s career and work. The auteur’s filmography, professional highlights, professional lowlights, box office triumphs and defeats, awards received, critical reviews, story of how the director started and ended their career; all of these elements can and should be discussed in your 10-12 page, double-spaced paper. Please make sure to have an extensive working knowledge of, at minimum, two films by your chosen director and explain how this quintessential “Hitchcock” film relates to their work as a whole and represents them as an auteur – genre, visual style and aesthetic, casting choices, thematic repetitions, repeated story tropes, and the director’s signature style should be analyzed and discussed.”

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