Research paper

    interpreting the findings.
    The required structure (body) for the paper has to be as following:
    – Introduction – You should discuss the importance and relevance of your topic and the contribution of this paper to existed literatures. ( this part is 15% of grading)

    – Literature Review – The 2 or 3 scientific existed papers about your topic has to be discussed in this part. It is more preferable if you focus mostly on the methodology and findings part of these papers. (15%)

    – Data Description and methodology – The detailed information about sample size, variables, and Hypothesis and Regression equation should be discussed. Explain the ways that you collect your data and provide detailed descriptive statistics of dependent and independent variables. (25%)

    – The Estimation results – In this section, I expect detailed interpretation of regression results. This part is the most important part of your paper. (35%)

    – Conclusion – Discuss the main results and explain the consistency of your paper with other existed literatures. (10%)

    – References.

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