research on a particular human interaction, situation, or activity

    The term research project for this course is to be research on a particular human interaction, situation, or activity. This is where students will actually practice sociology by designing and conducting their own research on a particular facet of human society.
    The object of this paper is to find articles and books from respected sources that help to support the hypothesis, and to find articles supporting the selection of the method. Another way to think about the literature review is as a process in which searches are conducted in databases for articles and books that contain support for the hypothesis or the method, and can be used in constructing an explanation for the expectation presented in the hypothesis, or to support the reasoning behind the selection of the method.
    This paper should be 7-9 pages in length, and should be in the APA format. This paper should be a coherent presentation of the findings of the research of the student connected to one of the theoretical positions presented in the text with a defensible interpretation of the relevance of the findings to social science. Each student will have had the opportunity to meet individually with the instructor for help developing the content of the term paper. The final submission should also include a title page, an abstract page, a reference page with sources in APA format, all of which are to be included in the page count. You should have at least three sources in addition to the textbook. The body of the paper should be 4-6 pages, and page numbering, a running header, and any visual representations (graphs, charts, etc.) should be included in the body of the paper.

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