Research on a Doll’s House by Ibsen

    The thesis statement will be: The need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she is and to strive to become that person.
    Please find details on the play, explain them and LINK them together.

    Must use this sources:
    “But the woman is judge in practical matters by the men’s law, as though she were not a woman but a man” (Ferguson 230)

    ” A woman cannot be herself on a contemporary society; it is exclusively a male society, with laws written by men and with prosecutors and judges who judge women’s behavior from the men standpoint” (Ferguson 230)

    “Then she sees that their whole family life has been a fiction: Their home a mere doll’s house in which they have been playing at ideal husband and father, wife and mother” (Shaw 86)

    ” So she leaves him and goes out into the real world to find out its reality for herself, and to gain some position not fundamentally false. (Shaw 87)

    Source: Shaw, Bernard. The Quintessence of Ibsenism. New York: Hill and Wang, 1957. Print

    “Her transfiguration is a gradual development of a romantic girl who feels the practical reality of patriarchal society and tunes herself with the existential necessity of defiance of its oppression”

    “Nora, as if, is a sub-human being, something to be caged in, some sort of showpiece”

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