Research Method Discussion: Creative research writer to handle my desires in accomplishing the research method assignments Custom Essay

    I am research method student who is looking for a creative research writer to handle my desires in accomplishing the research method assignments. I am looking for writer who able to continue working on my research until the end of February 2014.
    In fact, I have already begun working on this research and you will see the attachment that clarifies what is my accomplishments in order to work on it and keep the assignment in track according to the requirement from the professor. in the future, once i receive the comment from the professor i need to keep working with the same writer to increase the quality of the assignment.
    referring to the file attachment,Use the Table from the Colloquium Study that links: Hypotheses, Variable Definition, and Measures (Survey Questions) as a model.
    Develop your own version of this for at 2-3 survey questions or interview questions YOU will ask for you Draft and Final Research Design assignment.
    If you don’t want to mess with formatting a table for this assignment (keep in mind you may want to for your Draft and Final Research Design assignment) you can just do it bulleted, for example:
    Hypotheses: Policy actors within a coalition will show substantial consensus on deep core and policy core beliefs, less so on secondary aspects.
    Concept Definition: Deep core beliefs
    “General normative and ontological assumptions about human nature…the proper role of government vs. markets in general…” (Sabatier and Weible 2007).
    Measures (Survey Questions):
    How liberal or conservative do you consider yourself to be on fiscal policy?”
    (likert scale 1-5)
    2b. “How liberal or conservative do you consider yourself to be on social policy?” (
    likert scale 1-5)
    NOTE: all the assignments will be submitted through TURN IT IN by the professor.
    Book name is Public Administration Research Methods: Tools for Evaluation & Evidence-Based Practice.

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