Research Critique

    Research Critique
    Compare / contrast the methods used within these studies with other pieces of research. References should be made to relevant research theory.
    Consideration of whether or not there are indications that further research could be undertaken in this area, and what the implications of any further research could be for the academic area or professional practice (Traditional Chinese medicine).
    Discuss and review all areas critically of the research process for effectiveness, non-biased approaches and appropriateness. This would include the
    ? Title

    ? Abstract

    ? Who wrote the paper
    ? Discuss the qualifications and competence of authors
    ? Evaluation the relevance and originality of the research
    ? Literature search
    ? Assessment of the appropriateness of the study design 

    ? Choice of method

    ? Methods used for data collection, analysis and presentation
    ? Concepts such as reliability, validity, bias and sampling

    ? Ethical consideration
    ? Identified whether the research was quantitative or qualitative
    Discussion of the results

    ? Critical evaluation of the interpretation of findings
    ? Dissemination of the result
    ? Evaluated issues relating to possible publication bias.
    ? A critique conclusion and final judgment need to be made about the paper.
    ? Identify the strengths, weaknesses, flaws and limitations of the article




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