Research by consulting various sources of information and data (textbook, company websites, company annual reports, business journals Custom Essay

    Please research by consulting various sources of information and data (textbook, company websites, company annual reports, business journals, etc.) and write critical answers on the four questions.
    the coursework is :

    >>>>> Answer the following five questions, each of which has 20 marks, for a total of 100. The answer to each question should be no longer than 200 words. Your answers need to be consistent across the five questions, so once you have identified a strategy in question 1, please do not change this in subsequent answers, or you will be penalised. If possible, draw (and explain) a suitable figure or diagram for questions 1, 2 and 3.

    Q1. Assuming you are a senior manager of the parent firm, below, in which cell of the integration/ responsiveness (I/R) framework would you place the corporate strategy of each of the following five MNEs (200 words):
    a) IBM
    b) Toyota
    c) Huawei
    d) Samsung Electronics
    e) Google

    Q2. What is the appropriate organisational structure consistent with the strategy of each of the five firms in Question 1? (200 words)

    Q3. For each of the five firms, discuss any flagship relationships which may exist with its network partners (here make plausible arguments, even if you have no specific data).( 200 words)

    Q4. What is the appropriate corporate culture to achieve satisfactory corporate social responsibility and ethical behaviour consistent with the strategy you discuss in Question 1, for each of the five firms? Again, make plausible arguments, whenever possible bolstered by publicly available corporate data.(200 words)

    Q5. Now assume that you are a subsidiary manager. Explain how you are implementing the strategies for each of these five firms, consistent with your answer to Question 1.( 200 words)

    Moreover , an introduction ( 200 words) and conclusion ( 200 words)<<<<<<<<<

    >>>IMPORTANT: * The essential book for this module is ( International Business , Alan M.Rugman & Simon Collinson . It’s good to have a look at the frameworks and theories and understand them as the professor want. Moreover, Annual Reports are important too as the professor mentioned.


    We recommend that Notes or Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the essay.

    The general format of this submission should include the following parts:

    Introduction: a brief explanation of the main objective of this assignment.

    Main body: You need to show that you are capable of applying frameworks to the firms you are studying. A good piece of work for this module should focus on a persuasive analysis and argument, critical thinking , logical reasoning and clear presentation. The format is to provide the answer to each question.

    Conclusion: a brief summary of the essential arguments/findings for the assignment.

    Tables and figures: It is your decision to put the figures/tables separately or in the text. Each figure/table needs to be fully referenced and explained. Please do not insert any of them without explanation.

    References: All sources (e.g. books, articles, internet sites) used in the essay must be listed in a reference.

    Appendices (if any) <<

    > You need to show that you are capable of applying frameworks to the firm you are studying. A good piece of work for this module should focus on a persuasive analysis and argument. The format is to provide the answer to each question. Marks will be awarded for the quality of analytical reasoning and critical thinking.

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