Research Bank of America, and access the company’s web page on the internet to read their most recent annual report

    Research Bank of America, and access the company’s web page on the internet to read their most recent annual report. The annual report is typically found in an “Investor Relations” or “Company Information” section within the company’s website. If the company does not provide a full annual report, select another company for your project. Verify that the full annual report includes the following:
    • A letter or report to shareholders from the president of the company
    • A section providing management’s discussion and analysis of the business
    • A report from the auditor
    • The company’s financial statements
    • Supplemental notes to the financial statements
    Once you’ve found a full annual report, complete each part of the assignment.
    Part I
    Deliverable Length: 1 page
    Review the general business information, letter or report to shareholders, and management’s discussion and analysis of the company provided in the annual report.
    Part II
    Deliverable Length: 1 page
    Review the financial statements and then respond to the following questions:
    1. Calculate the following ratios:
      • Net profit
      • Debt to equity
      • Net quick
    2. Perform a trend analysis on net income after interest and taxes.
      • What is the overall financial condition of the company based on your analysis?
    Part III
    Deliverable Length: 2 pages
    • In your opinion, how is the reliability of financial statements (including statements prepared by management)
    • How the financial statements you have reviewed complies with the SEC Code of Ethics, especially:
      • Fair and full reporting of financial information
      • Full compliance with SEC rules and regulations
      • Unethica
        l financial dealings
      • Accountability

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