Research Assignment 1: Toward the final Research submission


    Research Report / Individual Project (300 points)

    Appropriate Topics:

    The Research Report: Select one of the following research areas providing complete research and writing a scholarly research report.

    i. IAAS, PAAS and SAAS

    ii. Cloud Deployment Models

    iii. Cloud Solutions

    iv. Virtualization Technology in the Cloud

    v. Enterprise Cloud Computing

    vi. Cloud Architecture

    vii. Cloud Security

    viii. Cloud Applications

    This is the first step of your research report.  

    Please refer to the Research Report Detail document under Course Content for details. 

    In this first section, you will be selecting a topic and writing the introduction of your research paper. Please follow the guidelines presented in the Research Report Detail. 

    This document should be between 2 pages. Longer documents will result in a point deduction. 

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