Research and Service Statement

    Provide a brief but thoughtful discussion; please explain the synergy among research and service, and what your future plans in these areas are.

    Please read my basic information about service and research plans, the most important thing is to let the readers know why my research and service are strongly connected together, can help enrich and improve each other. Why all my services will help with my current and future research, and why my researches can help me to provide better service.

    Please pay attention to the wording, logistic flow, the way to present, write a professional statement.

    Service to Department, Committees:
    Curriculum Committee, Member
    Assessment Team, Member
    Faculty Recruitment, Member
    Student Awards, Member
    Club Advisor, Health Professionals Association (student association)

    Professional Service:
    Reviewer: Global Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health
    Professional Membership:
    Sigma Xi, the honor scientific research society (One of the oldest and largest scientific organizations in the world, More than 200 Noble Prize winners have been members)

    Undergoing research project:
    Chinese Women’s Experiences with Caesarean Sections during Labor (The latest data from WHO suggests that nearly 50% of Chinese women choose caesarean sections during labor delivery which is about three times higher than WHO’s recommended proportion of 15%. In fact, China has been cited as having the highest rates of C-sections in the world. This proposed study is trying to find out some possible factors which may be related to high caesarean sections rate among Chinese women.

    Future research areas:

    My researches will mainly focus on minority population in the U.S and worldwide. My research interests include: smoking and alcohol consumption among minority population, reducing health disparity among minority population, culture influence, and behavioral intervention.

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