Repost 2 week 3 DB 1 week 1 response Db. /Legal Business Each post should be one

    Repost 2 week 3 DB 1 week
    1 response Db. /Legal Business
    Each post should be one paragraph in length (75 words) and must be substantive in nature Do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea specify why and be detailed in your explanation. Aside from assisting a classmate the goal is to demonstrate your mastery of the concepts.
    Repost 2 week 3 DB 1 week
    1 response Db. /Legal Business
    Each post should be one paragraph in length (75 words) and must be substantive in nature Do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea specify why and be detailed in your explanation. Aside from assisting a classmate the goal is to demonstrate your mastery of the concepts.
    1 response 75 words
    Post 1
    If your client was trying to decide which of these to select what factors would you consider in advising him/her?

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