Report on the implications of new MDA guidelines on SGnews’r’us.

    On 28 May 2013, The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) sent out a News
    Release, entitled “Fact Sheet – Online news sites to be placed on a more consistent
    licensing framework as traditional news platforms”.
    The following is a verbatim adaptation of the document:
    1. From 1 June 2013, online news sites that report regularly on issues relating to
    Singapore and have significant reach among readers here will require an individual licence
    from the Media Development Authority (MDA). This will place them on a more consistent
    regulatory framework with traditional news platforms which are already individually
    2. Under the licensing framework, online news sites will be individually licensed if they (I)
    report an average of at least one article per week on Singapore’s news and current affairs*
    over a period of two months, and (ii) are visited by at least 50,000 unique IP addresses
    from Singapore each month over a period of two months. Currently, these sites are
    automatically class-licensed under the Broadcasting Act. When MDA has assessed that a
    site has met the criteria to be individually licensed, MDA will issue a formal notification and
    work with the site to move it to the new licensing framework. Please see Annex for the
    sites that MDA will be issuing licensing notifications to when the licensing framework is
    3. The new Licence provides greater clarity on prevailing requirements within the Class
    Licence and Internet Code of Practice, and explains what MDA would consider “prohibited
    content” in the existing Internet Code of Practice, e.g. content that undermines racial or
    religious harmony. As the sites are already subject to these requirements, no change in
    content standards is expected to result. The Licence also makes it clear that online news
    sites are expected to comply within 24 hours to MDA’s directions to remove content that is
    found to be in breach of content standards. The only other additional requirement is that
    online news sites are required to put up a performance bond like all other individuallylicensed
    broadcasters, and the sum of $50,000 is consistent with that required of niche TV
    4. These updates in the licensing framework are part of MDA’s efforts to periodically review
    all policies, to ensure they are in line with industry and consumer developments. *A
    “Singapore news programme” is any programme (whether or not the programme is
    presenter-based and whether or not the programme is provided by a third party) containing
    any news, intelligence, report of occurrence, or any matter of public interest, about any
    social, economic, political, cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific or any other aspect of
    Singapore in any language (whether paid or free and whether at regular interval or
    otherwise) but does not include any programme produced by or on behalf of the
    Retrieved 03 June, 2013)
    You are Alfred Long, the editor of SGnews’r’us, an online news website that covers
    Singaporean news exclusively. Your website has 60,000 unique Singaporean viewers
    every month. SGnews’r’us offers its content for free; the revenue is derived solely from
    online advertising, which has been sufficient in keeping the site operational since its
    inception in 2007.
    After the release of this licensing information as well as subsequent clarifications, by the
    government, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SGnews’r’us, Mr Jacob Abrams
    has asked you to write a report, to be submitted to the Board of Directors, assessing the
    implications that the new MDA guidelines will have for SGnews’r’us. Specifically, you
    should consider the reasons that may have motivated this policy change. Mr Abrams, your
    Chairman, has also stipulated that, while your report should not be an argument about the
    relative merits of freedoms of speech and the Press, it should nonetheless consider how
    the new licensing framework will affect the way that SGnews’r’us can continue to function
    as an independent news website reporting Singaporean news – including what the
    website’s responsibilities are, and how it should serve the public interest. In anticipation of
    these new guidelines, you also need to make recommendations on what sort of changes
    Sgnews’r’us should make to its approach to news reporting. Most importantly, how will
    these affect the way that your readers read the news about Singapore?
    Based on your report, the Board of Directors will then meet to discuss and decide on the
    long-term plans of Sgnews’r’us.
    Guidance notes:
    1. This assignment aims to test your ability to write an analytical report which contains
    sound reasoning, effective persuasion and competent writing skills.
    2. Be sure to organize your information in a clear, concise and logical manner. Support
    your reasoning with data, examples and illustrations. Merely stating information that you
    have researched from different sources will not be adequate. There must be logical
    ** You must be critical in thinking through the problems and presenting your conclusions.
    Your analysis of the information that you have gathered must be sound and its
    presentation persuasive.
    3. In your report, you should state:
    a. who requested the report, when it was requested and who you are
    b. the reason the report was undertaken with some specific background data
    c. how the information was gathered
    d. your findings, highlighting key factors
    e. your recommendations (which should follow logically from your findings)
    4. You may include any additional but relevant information to the ideas that have already
    been given in the scenario.
    5. If you use visuals, you must label them properly; refer to them in your text and state
    clearly what they represent. Failing to do this will not get you any marks for the use of


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