- Replies – Due Monday at 11:59pm in the week:
- Cut and paste the student whose comment you are replying to prior to typing your reply. This would give me context as far as grading your reply.
- A 3 point reply is a reply that: explicitly references ideas in the post; gives personal commentary in a constructive way: may correct an incorrect posting in a respectful way; elaborates on the ideas and questions posed in the original post; reflects a good understanding of the course material; and/or brings up course material that the original post did not include but was relevant; includes at least 100 words.
- A 2 point reply is a reply that: briefly elaborates on the ideas and questions posed in the original post; is a personal response that may or may not clearly tie to the original post but is somewhat relevant; repeated too much of original post; includes at least 100 words.
- A 0-1 point reply that: includes brief encouragement; is a statement of agreement or disagreement; is an unclear or offensive response; does not meet the minimum number of words: no reply.
Points will also be taken off for incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. Do not write like you do when texting or messaging. You need to use correct Standard English.