
    This is an annotated bibliography that requires five sources, two of which must be peer reviewed academic articles/journals. My topic is religion and my inquiry question is "why are newer generations of Americans(are they?) beginning to pull away from religion/religious practice/christianity" the sources must be cited and include a 150 word summary. Begin each paragraph one line below each citation. Following the summary, assess the usefulness of this source with regards to the project. Conclude the annotation by reflecting on how the source compares and contrasts with other sources. Will it help to prove my thesis? Discuss what aspect of the source will be most useful in my argument and why? I suggest using, huffington post and some statistical research. My general thesis/argument is that newer generations of americans are becoming less religious as a whole. The paper does not necessarily have to be 3 pages long it just has to meet the requirements of length per each source.

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