Regulatory Requirements Related to Technology with the Health Care Industry

    1.Identify and analyze what you believe to be the most significant new technology requirements for the health care industry. Indicate how providers should approach the implementation of this new technology requirement that you have identified. Provide support for the response.
    2.Analyze the basic technology underlying health care information systems. Argue that the need for technological innovation and / or modification is most pressing. Support the argument with examples.
    3.Recommend an innovation / modification, and explain how the recommendation could improve the overall level of health care in your own community. Include specific example(s) using local hospitals or other health care providers to support the response.
    4.Suggest a key action that senior health care leadership could take in the community in which you live to push the boundaries of information technology management. Next, speculate on the effect to the community as a result of the improvement to the health care technology.
    5.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.Demonstrate an understanding of the basic technology underlying health care information systems.
    •Apply senior management’s role in information technology management.
    •Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.
    •Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.

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