Regulatory Agency Paper week 2

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    Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that identifies a governmental or other agency, such as JCAHO, that governs the health care industry or a particular segment of the industry. Answer the following questions about your chosen agency:

    ·         What is the agency’s structure?
    ·         What is the organization’s effect on health care?
    ·         What is an example of the agency carrying out its duties?
    ·         What regulatory authority does the agency have in relation to health care?
    ·         What is the agency’s process for accreditation, certification, and authorization?
    Cite at least two sources.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    Option 2: Prison Health Care Agency Paper

    Resource: Regulatory Agency Paper Grading Criteria
    Identify a governmental agency that regulates prison health care.
    Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that explains the role and impact of the agency on prison healthcare. Answer the following questions about your chosen agency:

    ·         What is the agency’s role?
    ·         What is the agency’s impact on health care?
    ·         What is an example of the agency carrying out its duties?
    ·         What regulatory authority does the agency have in relation to health care?
    ·         What is the agency’s process for accreditation, certification, and authorization?

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