Reflective Report, which evaluates a role or resource promoting service user rights, and demonstrates understanding of theoretical perspectives and key conflicts of interest.

    THe area of practice i have chosen is foster carersA 2000 word Reflective Report, which evaluates a role or

    resource promoting service user rights, and demonstrates understanding of theoretical perspectives and key
    conflicts of interest.

    Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of one advocacy resource or role, in promoting the rights of service users

    Discuss the conflicts of interest which may arise in advocacy and partnership working with service users, and the
    implications for service users in your chosen area.

    1 : Exploration of advocacy resources
    • Discuss the different types of advocacy, and analyse the types which are most
    relevant to the chosen area of practice.
    • Give a brief overview and analysis of the range of advocacy services available for the chosen service user
    • Identify one advocacy resource or role, and explore it in depth; analyse its strengths and weaknesses in
    promoting the rights of service users ( and/or carers).
    • Using the proforma provided, compile information on the chosen advocacy resource.
    Section 2 : Working in partnership with service users ( and/or carers).
    • Discuss the importance of working in partnership with service users ( and/or carers).
    • Analyse the challenges of partnership working with the chosen service user group.

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