Reflective journal (from Business stimulation)


    complete this report by filling the detail as much as possible in Reflective journal template? Besides, you
    will need to go to website that I will provide you username and password to see the result how my group is
    doing in business stimulation due to it will need to explain why we do and what the result. I will upload the
    example file for you but my report you need to write according to what we invest in the business stimulation
    website. Inside that website there will be a lot of other group of student are playing it due to they need to
    do this kind of report as well. I got the instruction for deciding what to invest or what to put the money
    to, For this week, it was the first week to play. My friend did put wrong product sales area where is only
    USA but we forgot to click to sales in ASIA and Europe. Here is the detail of the website:
    usename: [email protected] password: siroch911 This is week in business stimulation website
    told me about Market Condition:Demand
    The war in Oilistan is over and oil exports have returned to normal levels. There are however other news
    impacting the demand of handsets: It has already become a standard that passengers can freely use mobile
    phones on airplanes. Now there has been a suspicious case regarding an airplane crash in southern China. The
    plane had crashed immediately after taking off, but luckily the amount of casualties was rather limited. Some
    of the survivors said that they had seen a mobile handset exploding while a passenger was using it intensely
    for video-conferencing. This event was widely published all over the world and it has tamed the markets for
    new handsets. In the USA the demand for handsets is expected to decrease by about 3% and in Asia by about 7%.
    European demand is expected to remain unchanged.
    Transportation costs diminish by approximately 6% as the price of oil takes corrective downward action.
    Production costs are expected to remain constant. Outsourcing capacity continues to rise: expected capacity
    is 13% in USA and 19% in China. As a result, outsourcing costs have fallen 4-6%.
    Once again the corporate tax-rate in Asia is raised. It is now up to 22%. Concerns about the competitiveness
    of the Chinese economy results in the Central Bank of China selling a large amount of Rmb into the FX market.
    Consequently Rmb falls nearly 10% against USD. The Euro rebounds. Interest rates are up half a percentage
    point in China, and up a quarter in the USA. European interest rates are down a quarter. This week I will
    need to do the reflection report about Logistic and Marketing so you will need to mention about this in the
    reflection report form which I will upload it for you. Besides, you will need to see detail about the results
    of round 4. I will upload the reflection report of pass week as the reference but you don’t write about the
    pass week anymore due to every week will need to write for the

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