Reflective Essay

    Reflective Essay

    Reflective Essay
    Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
    ?Helen Keller
    Indeed, optimism fueled by hope and confidence will help you attain your master?s degree and reaching your mission as a teaching professional. And although you are nearing the end of this course, your journey through your MSED program has just begun. Now is a good time to take stock of what you have accomplished so far and what you have yet to achieve.

    Reflect on your learning experiences over these past 7 weeks. Think about what it means to be a part of the Walden scholarly community. Reflect on the knowledge and insights you gained about the human dimensions of your teaching and about what keeps you going as a teacher?and as a graduate student. Consider what you learned about professionalism and about teacher expertise and development. Reflect on the challenges and opportunities inherent in your profession and on how collaborations with other stakeholders can lead to creative solutions and meaningful professional learning. Think about how educational reform issues will shape the future of education?in your school, in this country, and around the globe?and how you may find opportunities for social change within these issues. Finally, consider how you will stay energized and enthusiastic about teaching so that you can live your mission and follow the passion that led you to your profession.

    Complete and submit your reflection as follows:
    ? Synthesize your learning by explaining how this course has affected your thinking about yourself, your students, your school and community, and the broader educational system. How have your perceptions changed? What new questions do you have? What new goals do you have? How might your professional conversations be different from only 7 weeks ago? In what ways have you been energized? In what ways are you feeling challenged or overwhelmed? What will keep you going?
    Include references to Learning Resources from various weeks of this course and follow guidelines for APA format and scholarly writing. Review the Essential Guide to APA Style and the Scholarly Writing Resources, including the Scholarly Writing Checklist and APA template, as needed.

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