Reflective Essay

    Reflective Essay

    Based on the team project of Assessment 2, you are required to write a critique of the entire body of work that went into the preparation of your advertisement. The essay should be 1,200 words (+/- 10%) and part of it should be from the perspective of the organisation who hired the advertising firm and the other part will focus on your learning experience..
    The critique should cover the following points:
    1. From the perspective of the hiring organization (client):
    a. Provide and overall assessment of why the advertisement should be adopted.
    b. Discuss what was done well and why.
    c. Discuss what could have been better, including how and why.
    2. From a learning perspective:
    a. Discuss what you learned about the advertising process.
    b. Discuss what you learned about the process of group work and what could be improved.
    The assessment will be evaluated on the content and organization of the essay. Of particular importance is how well the student integrates material, terminology, and concepts from the module into the discussion of the advertisement and its development. The reflection should demonstrate a knowledgeable understanding of the module content.
    Please note that for part 1 of the critique you should evaluate all components of the project, including the creative brief, the appendices, the advertisement created, and the pitch that took place in the seminar class. For portions that were done well, please explain what makes them good. For portions that you think could have been improved, please provide details about what could have been different and why this would be better. Please do not waste words being overly descriptive of the process or contents of your work or the advertisement.
    For part 2, you should reflect on what you learned about both the advertising process as well as team work. Regarding your consideration of your team work experience, please do not use your words to complain about the contributions of one or more team members. This exercise should provide some insight into how to teams can operate in an effective manner, or how teams can make corrections and become more effective.
    This assessment must be submitted by 12:00 on Monday, 29 April 2013 via Blackboard only. It will automatically be scanned through a text matching system (designed to check for possible plagiarism).

    Stop Texting While Driving
    Creative Brief
    Client: Driving Vehicle and Licensing Agency

    Develop a new print advertisement for the Driving Vehicle and Licensing Agency to make drivers aware about the dangers of texting while driving.

    • Raise awareness of the numerous deaths and injuries caused by texting while driving.
    • To make the action of texting while driving socially unacceptable.
    • Help prevent drivers from hurting innocent people.
    • Educate about dangers and consequences of texting and driving.

    Target Audience
    • Drivers in the United Kingdom aged 18 to 24.
    • What do they currently think?
    Sending a text here and there while driving is not a problem. I am unlikely to hurt anyone while texting for a few seconds.
    • What do we want them to think?
    Texting while driving has major consequences for drivers more so than drinking and driving. It is not safe and needs to stop.

    Key Message
    • Texting while driving has a negative impact on today’s society and should be eliminated for drivers throughout the United Kingdom.

    Strategy Statement
    • Campaign theme
    One glance at your phone could be your last. It can wait.
    • Appeal
    The campaign’s appeal is focused towards the safety of drivers and other people on the road.
    • Tonality
    Fear meets reality and safety for others.
    • Execution Techniques
    1. Display advertisement on billboards so drivers can observe them while driving their vehicles.
    2. Have advertisements placed at local schools and universities so that younger drivers are aware of this problem.
    3. Place posters outside local police stations to make it known they will catch you.
    Client Overview
    We are working on behalf of the Driving License Authority (DVLA).
    The DVLA’s key purpose is to keep complete, up to date information of drivers and vehicles. The DVLA work in partnership with many other authorities including third parties such as the police in order to keep road users safe and to ensure that the law is respected and observed. This also allows them to collect vehicle excise duty effectively and can be used to deliver other departmental and government initiatives such as traffic management and reducing carbon emissions.
    The social marketing issue that the DVLA is addressing is the rising number of serious road traffic accidents often fatal that are occurring as a result of drivers irresponsibly using their mobile phones while driving.
    This advertising campaign is firstly to remind drivers of the law and enforce that it is actually illegal to drive and use a mobile phone. Secondly, the aim is to make drivers understand the consequences they could be facing, if they decide to drive and use their mobile phones. It is important to stress the importance of road safety not only for the drivers but also for all road users who are at risk. Making calls or texting actually hold the same amount of penalties if caught in action. A driver could be liable to a fine, points on their license, a serious casualty and if this is the case imprisonment.
    The DVLA hold over 44 million driver records and 36 million vehicle records. They also support the police and intelligence authorities with fighting vehicle related crimes, so they are in a highly influential position to market this campaign and reach a wide target audience that will hopefully take heed.
    One of the main competitors for the DVLA is the organisation Think! They have put out many advertising campaigns that support the same message along with However, neither competitor poses a threat to the DVLA’s campaign. The DVLA are a major reputable brand and many people are associated and aware of their services. This positioning will help create the strength and conviction that is needed behind the scenes that could really push this campaign to be a success.






    Target overview

    The main target audience that we have identified is the age group of young drivers between 18-24. Statistics show that texting on the road makes an accident 23 times more likely and it is even classed as being more dangerous than drunk driving. Evidently, consumer’s need to become more aware of the consequences of texting while driving because it has the potential to create a true devastating injuries for both the driver and the victim. Furthermore, the social marketing issue of texting while driving is that many people are not aware of the consequences or choose not to take it seriously. This is because the driver believesthat taking a few seconds tocompose a text would not be hazardous. We are in an era where the popularity of smartphones has become more popular and commercial with continuous added technology allowing people to communicate in more ways than ever. This has become a norm in today’s society that is potentially increasing usage behind the wheel. Our advertisement that we have developed should create awareness in a way that facilitates fear in order to help eradicate texting while driving and enable consumers to think twice. For consumers to be touched by the consequences and in order for the marketing campaign to be successful, it is crucial for the advertisement to convey graphic messages and seriousness of the issue in order to inhibit them.

    Research has showed stories where young drivers have caused fatal injuries to the extent of deaths whilst texting. For example, Keisha Wall was a 19 year old who hit an innocent woman after because she was looking at a text message she received. Stories like this make you realize how extremely dangerous it is and through our advertisement campaign we hope to address this. Behaviors’ among the target market show that they rely on their mobile devices and many young people cannot live without their smartphones. Because mobile device are embedded in today’s norms, many think sending a text while driving may not seem like a big distraction. However, it is highly hazardous and illegal. After conducting some primary research involving a conversation with a young adult driver, it provided some insight into the texting and driving behavior. The question put forward was ‘Would you text whilst driving?’ Daniel Collins aged 20 responded with “I have done so on many occasions, simply because my phone has alerted me and my first thought is to look at it and I reply instantly without thinking”. This shows an impulsive reaction and its difficult to alleviate from this type of behavior therefore our ad should encourage young drivers to put their phone on silent and away while driving. Many drivers still believe they are capable of textingwhiledriving at the same time, thus accidents are still occurring and it needs to be addressed more widely in the same way as drinking and driving.







    The Message

    The main message from the marketing campaign is to inform young drivers that texting while driving can lead to severe consequences not only for the driver but for innocent people as well. The way to communicate the main idea was through a printed advertisement that displays a possible outcome of texting while driving. The goal of the advertisement is to create an emotional attachment to texting while driving that will prevent them from partaking in the act in the future.This message in the advertisement will connect with younger drivers because it will bring about three emotional appeals. The first appeal is fear because the target audience will realize that texting while driving can endanger themselves and innocent people. The second response is sadness because a young family is about to be severely hurt or killed due to an unnecessary reason. The last emotional appeal that connects the advertisement to the target audience is the need for safety. After seeing the possible consequences that occur in the advertisement is creates a need for the driver to put away their cellular device in order to remain safe on the road. The overall goal of the advertisements message is to connect to the viewer and target audience on an emotional level so they will stop texting while driving and focus on driving safely.

    The marketing strategy here is to use an appropriate advertisement towards the target audience that is easy to understand so that drivers will stop texting while driving. The message that texting while driving is dangerous coincides with the goals of the DVLA, who is the main advocate of ending texting while driving in Great Britain. The advertisement is also simple enough for the consumer so that they will not have any confusion when processing the overall theme. Therefore with the emotional appeals, simplicity, and strong message the execution of the advertisement should be effective towards young adult drivers.

    Finally there are numerous creative elements that will help make this advertisement effective. The first is the campaign theme which is “One glance at your phone could be your last. It can wait.” This slogan will be placed on all advertisements so that it continues to create the fear appeal in the target audience and so that the message of the dangers of texting while driving will stay in their head. Another major element of the marketing campaign is the appeal towards the safety towards young drivers. Through the appeal we are able to use the tonality of the point being displayed.The tonality of the advertisements is sent through the message of fear for the drivers themselves and for that of others. Finally, there are three execution techniques that will be used to help appeal to the target audience. The first is to display them on billboards on major roads and highways so it has an immediate effect on the driver to put their phone away. Next we will place them at local schools and universities because it is a place where a large number of the target audience can be reached. Finally, they will be placed at local police stations to cause drivers to worry about the consequences of texting while driving. These tactics will be effective because the advertisements are displayed in the most common places where they would strongly affect the target audience.



    Arive Alive. 2012. Texting and distracted driving. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 March 13].

    BBC News. 2011. Reading text message killer driver jailed. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 March 13]. (2009) [Accessed 10 March 2013]

    Crystal Ball. 2012. Texting while driving, more dangerous than drink driving . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 13].

    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (2012) About DVLA [Accessed 10 March 2013

    Dsa, 2012. Official Dsa Theory Test for Car Drivers. 16th (2013) ed Edition. Stationery Office Books.

    Kent Road Safety (2012) Facts [Accessed 10 March 2013]

    Mashable. 2012. your kids will never text and drive again . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 March 13].

    Metro. 2012. texting while driving worse than drink driving. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 13].

    Mobile phones : THINK! : Directgov. 2013. Mobile phones : THINK! : Directgov. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2013].
    Mobile phones and driving | AA. 2013. Mobile phones and driving | AA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2013].

    Using mobile phones when driving: the law – GOV.UK. 2013. Using mobile phones when driving: the law – GOV.UK. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2013].



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