Reflections on Research Topics Discussed in Class for Research and Statistics Class

    Topic: Research

    Over the course of the semester we discussed various research topics. We are to choose 6 topics and write 1 Paragraph (5-10 sentences) for each reflection (totaling 6 paragraphs.) Paragraphs must show substantial evidence that we understood the material. Below, please find the 6 topics in which we need to write a paragraph for. 

    Topic 1: What are the threats to Measuremnet Validity (i.e. respondent’s mood, language difficulty.) and give a short example. 

    Topic 2: How reliable is Hare’s PCL-R checklist in determining aggression in males and females. 

    Topic 3: Briefly discuss the traditional conception of validity and how it divides into three separate and substitutable types—namely, content, criterion, and construct validities.

    Topic 4: Briefly Discuss the cons of a longitudinal study (attrition and resources) in a non experimental design. 

    Topic 5: Why do you think the Likert Method used more in counseling psychology researches? 

    Topic 6: Discuss sampling hard to reach and hidden populations and give an example. (Example to be used: Alfred Kinsey’s Study) 

      Topic: Research

      Over the course of the semester we discussed various research topics. We are to choose 6 topics and write 1 Paragraph (5-10 sentences) for each reflection (totaling 6 paragraphs.) Paragraphs must show substantial evidence that we understood the material. Below, please find the 6 topics in which we need to write a paragraph for. 

      Topic 1: What are the threats to Measuremnet Validity (i.e. respondent’s mood, language difficulty.) and give a short example. 

      Topic 2: How reliable is Hare’s PCL-R checklist in determining aggression in males and females. 

      Topic 3: Briefly discuss the traditional conception of validity and how it divides into three separate and substitutable types—namely, content, criterion, and construct validities.

      Topic 4: Briefly Discuss the cons of a longitudinal study (attrition and resources) in a non experimental design. 

      Topic 5: Why do you think the Likert Method used more in counseling psychology researches? 

      Topic 6: Discuss sampling hard to reach and hidden populations and give an example. (Example to be used: Alfred Kinsey’s Study) 

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