Reflection Paper #5

    Each student will prepare a Reader Reflection for each set of readings (as indicated by an asterisk). These reflections will consist of two parts. The first section of this assignment is a 200 – 650 word reflection over the whole set of readings. Every chapter/article assigned for that day should be addressed, however, it is alright to devote more of the reflection to some readings over others. Students should feel free to use the following questions as a guideline for reflective writing: Reader Response Papers What ideas, practices, philosophies struck you as significant/ why? What did you really like about the discussion in the readings/ why? What did you find more challenging? How does this connect to your life, other readings, and your profession? For the second portion of this assignment, students need to choose two quotes of significance from any of the passages. These could be quotes they agree or disagree with, things that made them !5 stop and re-think or sections they find confusing. Students will copy this quote on their reader response and then write at least a paragraph explanation about why they chose this quote. Students’ reflections should be comprehensive. A minimum of 200 words and maximum of 650 words is required. Please pay attention to APA style, citations, clarity, and spelling.

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