Reflection paper 19

    The objective of the assignment is to write a professional statement of your ethics in the workplace. Frame your statement for the work context. Who are you as an employee? If an employer were to hire you what would he or she get as a professional person? The results of the OWEI should help you answer these questions. Your statement should be a well-written coherent paragraph summarizing your personal ethics for the professional world. It may be written from the first-person point of view
    My OWEI is (occupational work ethic inventory)
    My interpersonal score is 6.56 out 7
    My initiative score is 6.56 out 7
    My dependability score is 6.71 out 7
    a little about me i am an adminstrator at three daycare center i am second in command forst being the owner of the day care centers. I am a people person my staff really like me because i am relatable i keep them informof the comonaies changes and i am fair. I am currently in my master’s program and beofre the ownerof the comapny was not able to hire to someone of my educational background. this paper should show me as a the people champs that i mmet dead lines i am a effective communicator whichthe owner of the comany is not.
    This paper should be page and half long apa format refernces and cover page

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