Reflection Essay Prompt “Environment and Energy Discourses” Custom Essay

    In relation to the readings, highlight themes that come up with both: a) issues involving energy1; and b) environmental activism2 and/or how we communicate human/nature relations3. What is your position on current movements regarding environmental issues such as climate change and energy?
    Also, relate your position and the themes you follow to any theme followed previously in the semester. Three suggestions: one, place-making strategies to get people to rethink places4; two, ethical obligations and the determined social need for dissent5; and three, corporate social responsibility in relation to energy and environment6. On this last section, you do not need to cite sources from previous sections, but you should show familiarity with the themes we have explored over the length of the course.

    1 Speak to at least one of the following: DeChristopher, Pollan, Holt-Giménez & Patel, and/or McKibben.
    2 Address at least one of DeChristopher, Pollan, Hall et al, and/or McKibben.
    3 Specifically Schutten or Pollan
    4 Cresswell or Gencarella & Pezzullo 5 Sunstein, Johannesen
    6 Cheney, Roper, & May; Ritz

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