Red Azalea by Anchee Min

    Red Azalea by Anchee Min
    The work was written after the events of the Cultural Revolution in China.The writer has derived from her experiences a lesson about these events, which she feels today’s China and the Chinese people need to heed.

    The format for this assignment should include the following components: the title of the book, the author, the date and place it first was published (whether China or the US), and then a one paragraph of a very brief summary of the contents of the book. Following this, spend the rest of the review identifying and discussing a prominent theme of the book.

    There are many different themes which regularly appear in these kinds of memoirs: the authoritarian legacy of traditional culture for modern China; Individuality vs. Conformity to the crowd; identity and gender; human depravity and the corruption of power; the futility of political solutions to fix what was wrong with China; the loss of humanity and culture; loyalty and betrayal; and/or youthful idealism and adult cynicism. You should identify the main and primary prominent theme which the author particularly feels best to capsulize her experience of the Cultural Revolution in the book. Most of the time, authors of this kind of memoirs will focus on 2 or 3 events in particular which he/she feels illustrate this theme; be sure to refer to these events in support of the theme.


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