Recent developments in the Dynamical Mean Field Theory

    Recent developments in the Dynamical Mean Field Theory

    This is a class project, and the complete title is “Recent developments in the Dynamical Mean Field Theory, an effort going beyond local density approximation in the density functional theory”.

    The paper has to be 14 pages; 2 pages are an outline, and the others are the paper itself.

    need the outline to be done first and sent to me as soon as the writer completes it, so that I can review the outline and respond to the writer to begin writing the paper. On other words, the writer must complete the outline as the first step and send it to me as soon as it’s done. Then, I will review the outline and respond to the writer with any comments to let the writer begin writing the paper. The outline description and the format of it are attached in the PDF file. Please take a look at them. Also, the writer has the option to choose the number of sources needed to complete the paper. I am flexible with the time of final submission; however, I need the outline as soon as it’s done, and the writer is not permitted to begin writing the paper until I review the outline and respond to him or her. Please, see the attached file.

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