Reasons for childhood obesity

    Looking for an argumentative essay on reasons for childhood obesity. Essay should be comprised of factual evidence on both sides of the argument. Personal opinion should not appear until the end. Paper must include a well-developed
    introduction defines
    issue and contains a
    clear, arguable thesis
    that offers a valid and
    compelling opinion on
    the issue. Main points
    are persuasive and
    convincing. Also Acknowledges opposing
    viewpoints. Appropriate use of
    source material; correct
    signal phrases,
    quotations and
    parenthetical citations
    employed throughout.
    Must include works cited page and all sources
    properly formatted. Paper must be in MLA FORMAT.Sentences are smooth,
    skillful, and coherent,
    with varied structure
    and length. Diction is
    impressive, consistent,
    and appropriate to assignment. Punctuation, spelling,capitalization are
    1,200 word (or more)
    There are a couple of requirements for this paper:
    1) Argue for or against an idea or issue. Narrow your topic to make it more specific and focused.
    The topic can be in regard to something local. It doesn’t necessarily have to be based on a big
    social problem or national issue.
    2) Include some opposing views: you don’t have to agree with the other side, but take some time
    to explain why they think or feel the way they do, and then get into why they are misguided,
    misinformed, and/or flat-out wrong based on reasonable evidence/research

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