realism and liberalism essay 6 pages

    Topic: realism and liberalism essay 6 pages

    Order Description
    answering following questions six pages essay ,12 point time’s new roman font 1-INCHES Margin .double spaced.
    What is the possibility of collective security? Why is collective security difficult under realism? The reading come from World politics book second edition By Jeffry A. frieden , David A. Lake/ Kenneth A.Svhultz .how is complex interdependence possible under liberalism ? How does it aim to overcome the security dilemma? Reading comes from international relations introductory readings revised printing by Edward Rhodes .Jonathan M.Dicicco chapter elven Complex interdependence by Robert O.Keohane and Joesp S. Nye ,Jr.
    You must define both Realism and liberalism compare and contrast the two, and then discuss these three terms Anarchy, Self-help, Hegemony make sure to include them when discussing the following realism and liberalism .
    Readings and chapters
    International relations introductory readings revised printing by Edward Rhodes .Jonathan M.Dicicco chapter 13 realism by Thucydides
    Anarchy by (Waltz) chapter 4 International relations introductory readings revised printing by Edward Rhodes .Jonathan M.Dicicco
    Hegemony chapter 19 by (Keohane) international relation introductory readings revised printing by Edward Rhodes .Jonathan M.Dicicco
    The answer must come from these two books .WORLD POLITICS book second edition by. Jeffry A. Frieden /David A. Lake/ Kenneth A.Svhultz. and {International relations introductory readings revised printing by Edward Rhodes .Jonathan M.Dicicco
    I have provided all the necessary information needed to complete 6 pages. All of the questions must be answered from the books provided.

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