Reading response

    SELECT ONE of the following prompts to write your reading response, following the specific instructions from your syllabus. When finished, upload your response through Safe Assign.
    1) What is the source of worker power within a capitalist structure? What law guarantees their power? What is the substance of that law? What has been the weakness(es) of collective power? What are unions with a top-down structure generally not effective in confronting capitalist power? What experience, if any, have you had with collective power?
    2) What is the concept of the Third Way? What role do proponents of the Third Way see for the government in a capitalist society? What are the advantages of this approach for Zweig? What does he see as its limitations?
    3) What is the concept of the social wage? In what sense does a pooling of social resources benefit workers more than capitalists? Why are tax cuts dangled in front of workers often an illusion?
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