Reading Reflection

    In two to three double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference page), analyze one of the works listed here: Kate Chopin, The Story of a Hour, or Alice Walker, The Welcome Table and complete the following:
    Explain why the literary work captured your interest, using terms and concepts from the text to support your explanation. The key terms are found at the end of Chapter 2.
    Apply two to three of the key terms from Chapter 2 to your reflection. Review the Reader’s Response matrix (Figure 2.1) to help you frame your response.
    Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement about the selected literary work and the approach you are using to analyze the work. All sources must be properly cited.
    The paper must be two to three pages in length (excluding the title and reference page), and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources (at least one of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library) other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page.

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