reading homework

    Select a second Drafting, Planning, & Starting tips on the Living Musical Lives assignment, and write about it. This tip should be different from the one you selected last week. Aim for one to two pages of original writing (double spaced) to get yourself started. Make this original writing, not simply a revision of your writing from last time. Upload what you have completed here.

                  Drafting, Planning, & Starting Tips:

    • can you do itLook for connections between pairs or trios of the readings. Think about what connects them, and try to explain those connections in a few brief sentences. How does what you wrote apply to your life directly? Jot down a few ideas.
    • Re-read some of your reflections and projects from this semester. Notice what was most prominent to you at the time, and what you were thinking of based on the readings. Write a few sentences that weave those individual ideas into a narrative of your thinking across the semester. 
    • List ways you engage with music in your life now. Do you see or think about these things differently as a result of this class? Write a few sentences explaining each one, and make a note of the reading or class experience that changed or reinforced your thinking.
    • List ways that you might change how you engage with music in your life. Write a few sentences explaining why you would want to make a change, and note the reading or experience that changed or reinforced your thinking. 

    I will attach the first draft so you can have an Idea about what it was.

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