Read Chapter 1 (See Chapter 1 link attached below). Provide short answer to the following questions:

    Read Chapter 1 (See Chapter 1 link attached below). Provide short answer to the following questions:
    1. a. what are some of the industires in the health care sector?
    1. b. What is meant by the term health care finance as used in this book?
    1. c. What are the two braod areas of healthcare finance?
    1. d. why is it necessay to have a book on healthcare finance as opposed to a generic finance book?
    2. What is the difference between a business and a pure charity?
    3. a. Briefly discuss the role of finance in the health care industry.
    3. b. Has this role incresed or decresed in importance in recent years?
    4. a. Briefly describe the following health services settinhgs: 1) Hospitals, 2) Ambulatory Care, 3) Home health care, 4) Long-term care, 5) Integrated delivery systems.
    4. b. What are the benefits attributed to integrated delivery systems?
    5. What role does regulation play in the health services industry?
    6. what is the structure of the finance function within health services organizations?
    7. What is the primary legal issue facing providers today?

    **Please use the link below to access to the first charpter:


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