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    Absolutely No PLAGIARISM
    price final
    should be due 15 hr max
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    20 Pg
    This assignment consists of two (2) sections: your final business plan and your business plan financials. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment.
    You have completed all of the necessary sections of your business plan and will now create a final draft. Use any / all feedback you have received to polish your plan to the point that you could confidently show it to investors and potential partners or customers.
    Refer to the Outline of a Business Plan beginning on p. 399 of the course text Not all businesses will include all of these components in this order but use the outline as a guide. Specifically your plan will not require the Development Milestones and Exit Plan section of the business plan.
    Section 1: Business Plan (MS Word or equivalent)
    Construct a20 page business plan. Note: 20 pages are sufficient for most businesses.
    Note: Read Chapters 4 and 18 of the course text: Successful Business Plan . Use the plan preparation worksheets on pp. 5861 and the sample executive summaries on pp. 6266 to help guide you choose to write either a synopsis summary or a narrative summary and include highlights from the each section of your business plan.
    Section 2: Business Plan Financials (MS Excel worksheets bundled with course textbook)

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