Read and answer in email form

    The weekly Assignments are meant to replicate actual communications between supervisor and employee in a public health organization. These weekly emails are requests from your Boss and should be treated as such. In other words there are no strict formatting or length requirements. However you will be graded on your professionalism as well as your content. Your instructor will be grading you as a The weekly Assignments are meant to replicate actual communications between supervisor and employee in a public health organization. These weekly emails are requests from your Boss and should be treated as such. In other words there are no strict formatting or length requirements. However you will be graded on your professionalism as well as your content. Your instructor will be grading you as a supervisor so do your best!
    Assignment Details
    Public Relations Plan
    TO: Agency Health Education and Health Promotion Personnel
    FROM: The Director
    RE: Public Relations Plan
    As you know our hospital has an aggressive public relations plan. Ive felt that our health promotion has not been emphasized enough.
    Id like you to prepare a proposed public relations plan for our community health promotion service that I can submit to them for adoption.
    Thank you.

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