Rationale for Social Work Involvement

    Rationale for Social Work Involvement


    provide a detailed rationale for your involvement and the five-staged approach to assessment. This may have been enhanced had you underpinned this with legislation and incorporated some wider reading reference evidence.

    Detailed Knowledge and application of the Strengths Perspective
    John while you cover and highlight the SP and make some very interesting points it may have been enhanced and supported with wider reading and reference evidence to back up your statements. This needed linking directly to your case study and the impact this may have had on the person you were aiming to support. Area’s of this piece of work are too descriptive and needed more discussion. It may have also been useful had you looked at the PCS model when explaining issues that the person is facing. Also be careful if you have used literature word for word as on page 5 then page numbers are required.

    Critically analyse your style of social work involvement.
    John this section needs more critical discussion regarding your involvement. It may have also been useful to mention the HCPC standards to which we work under as social workers to promote equality which supports Anti-discriminatory practice linked to social work values.

    Adherence to the School of Health and Social Care Guidelines for confidentiality, presentation and referencing.
    Overall this was adhered to but for future reference it may be benefical to check the schools guidelines on referencing.

    John this could have been a very interesting piece of work if supported by more critical discussion and wider reading. John you needed to link the relevant elements of this piece of work with theory and your case study. You have not utilised any of the recommended texts available to you.



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