Raptor program that requests a password and verifies that it is a valid password

    Raptor program that requests a password and verifies that it is a valid password. To be valid the password must be at least 7 characters long and contain either a digit (0-9) or a dollar sign ($). program should: 1. Determine whether the password is valid. If it is not a message telling the user what is wrong should be output 2. If it is valid the program should thank the user for entering a valid password 3. The program should continue requesting a password until a valid one has been entered. Once your Raptor flowchart executes correctly upload your .rap file. Make sure your name is on the flowchart in a comment. Sample Output (inputs in bold) Please enter a password: pass6 Passwords must be at least 7 characters long Please enter a password: TarrantNW Passwords must include a digit or dollar sign (0-9 $) Please enter a password: Tccd-03 Thank you that is a valid password

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