
    All the answering must be use list below citations to response the questions, not allowed to use sources outside.
    1. Lawrence Blum, I’m not a Racist, but … (Cornell Univ. Press, 2002)
    2. Tommie Shelby, “Is Racism in the Heart?” (see upload the additional material)
    3.T. Selby, “Justice, Deviance, and the Dark Ghetto” (refer upload the summary for this artical)
    4.D’Souza, “The Reparations Fallacy”(see upload the additional material)

    Part I. Answer BOTH of the following two questions, require 1 page for each question.

    1. Considering and demonstrating your knowledge of Blum’s (pp. 1-13; pp. 98-100) and/or Shelby’s (“Is Racism in the Heart?” ) discussion[s] of race and racism, do you think all forms of race thinking are racist? Why or why not?

    2. Considering and demonstrating your knowledge of Blum’s interpretation and
    assessment of the different meanings of “color blindness” (pp. 91-97), which form of color blindness, if any, do you think is appropriate for coping with problems of racism and racial injustice? Explain your answer.

    Part II. Compare and contrast T. Shelby’s “Justice, Deviance, and the Dark Ghetto” with D’Souza’s “The Reparations Fallacy” (See list of works above), require 2 page in answer to this part question.

    A) What is the main thesis of each author? How do their topics differ? Are there
    any similarities or relationship between the two main topics? Explain your

    B) According to Selby, what are the norms of justice? Describe them.
    According to Selby, what is deviance? Does he think deviance is ever justified in
    the ghetto? Why or why not?

    C) According to D’Souza, what are the main factors that present obstacles for
    remedying the lingering effects of slavery and segregation? D’Souza describes
    perspectives for coming to terms life in the U.S. What are these perspectives and
    why does D’Souza perspectives? How does D’Souza suggest we might better
    begin the process of dealing with the past of slavery and segregation here in the
    D) Compare and contrast the analyses of Shelby and D’Souza. What are the
    main similarities/differences between them? Do you see them as complementary
    or incompatible approaches to the issues of race, racial injustice and racism? Do
    you agree or disagree with the authors’ views? Why or why not? Explain your

    The best answers do not simply repeat what the text or the web-based lessons say but provide concise interpretations of the text and analysis of the authors’ arguments (i.e., analysis of the argument forms, and evaluation of its arguments). In general, critique provides some objections or testing of an author’s main thesis or theory even if you go on to agree with the author. This testing can be done by use of standard logical techniques such as the following forms of refutation: counterexamples, critique by parallel reasoning, critique by reduction to absurdity. Some of the authors from our assigned readings such as Blum and Shelby provide examples of how to perform these techniques.

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