Race: what is it? After viewing the short film, History:

    Race: what is it? After viewing the short film, History: Race in the USA (or reading the transcript provided directly under the film)

    how has your definition of race changed or stayed the same. Please explain.

    2) The African American Odyssey discusses the promises and failures of Reconstruction. How would you describe the promises and failures? For Reconstruction to be truly successful, what do you think would have had to happen? How does the film, Slavery By Another Name impact your answer? If you weren’t able to view the film the first week, please go to the Week 1 Lessons and view the film. If you can’t view the film because of deployment, navigating through the site should give you a lot of information that is also found in the film.

    3) Contemporary Historical Application: You read about lynching in these chapters and you see that it is used as a form of social and physical control over black Americans. Since this time, lynching has been outlawed but some might argue that the current judicial system is being used as a contemporary form of symbolic lynching. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?




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